Our Video Content Philosophy
At Scalable Creative we know that you want to be able to use video to connect with your audience. In order to do that, you need to build a video strategy and hire and manage a team of designers, animators and editors to produce great video content.
The problem is creating an effective video campaign takes time and resources that some marketers don’t have.
We believe that telling the right story in the right way through video can be the most effective marketing tool for your businesses. We understand how hard it is to create great content that can connect brands with their audience and drive connection and growth.
That is why we developed a process that allows us to share our expertise in video with brands that want to create real connections with their audience and drive growth for their company.
Here’s how we do it.
We define a goal for your brand’s video. The goal needs to include who your audience is, what problem you solve for them and what you would like them to do after viewing your video or series of videos.
Next we visualize the story with a fully designed storyboard and write a script with messaging that speaks to your audience and aligns with your goals for the video.
Lastly our team brings it all together within the video(s). Motion graphic animation is used to grab your audience’s attention, custom voice over is added to speak directly to your target and different formats of the video are developed to ensure that your video looks great wherever it’s published.
So if you would like to create video content that will lead to growth for your brand, contact our team by clicking the button below. We’d love to hear about your goals for video. Once we know what you are trying to achieve with video, we’ll build a custom video strategy just for you.
Don’t miss out on any more opportunities to connect with your audience through video.
Cortland Brennan
Founder, Scalable Creative